lily games


Author: Phil Rzewski
Running at:
Contact people for accounts: Phil, Deven or Wintermute on lily

lily-poker was the first game to be written for lily. Source code for it is available for ftp from

Author: Paul Stewart
Running at:
Contact person for accounts: Whammy on lily

"They exist. They rock. That's so cool." -- Whammy

Rules of Ohell: (taken from the help)

A trick is a rotation where each person plays a card into a pile. The person who leads the trick may play any card s/he has. The other players may play any card they like; however, they must follow suit (play a card in the suit led) if they have that suit. When everyone has played, the winner "takes the trick". The winner is the person who played the highest card in the suit led. Cards played in other suits can not win the trick unless their suit is trump.

Trump is something of a master suit. A trump beats any other card (except a higher trump). You may play a trump at any time unless you can follow suit. The trump suit is determined at the beginning of each round. After cards have been dealt to all players, the dealer turns over the top card on the remaining deck. The suit of this card will be trump for the round.

In a multi-deck game, the value of the card determines super-trump. For example, if a 5 of Hearts is turned over, then that card will be super-trump. It will then beat any other card -- even an Ace of Hearts. Trump, of course, will be Hearts for the round.

Hands are dealt out from 1 card each to the maximum (picked by the dealer) and back to one. The minimum number of hands, or rounds, is 5 (1 to 3 and back). After the cards have been dealt and trump determined, each person, in turn bids the number of tricks s/he thinks s/he will win. The dealer may not make a bid that would make the total tricks bid equal to the number of tricks. That is, someone must go down (unless tricks are cancelled).

The tricks:
The person who bids first leads first, and the winner of each trick leads the next trick. When displaying the trick, the card in [] is the current winning card of the trick.

You must take exactly the number of tricks you bid. If you take any more or fewer than your bid, you lose points: The number you missed by (difference of tricks taken and # bid) cubed - ie, if you bid 6 and made 3, you lose 3 cubed, or 27 points. If you make your bid, you get 10 + your bid squared (making a 6 bid is worth 46 points). If you bid 0 and make it, you get 10 + the number of cards dealt (at round 4, a bid of 0 is worth 14 points). It is almost always better to make a 0 bid than to make a 1 bid, however, it is much more dangerous.
Remember: It is just as bad to take too many tricks as to take too few.

Author: Paul Stewart
Running at:
Contact person for accounts: Whammy on lily

Liars Dice Rules: (From the original CONNECT documentation)
"Rules? Where we're going, we don't need rules."
"You lie! You lie like a rug!"
Liars Dice is an unethical game of getting points by making other players question whether you're lying through your teeth or not.

Liars Dice players take turns rolling dice, trying to get a poker hand. The dice faces are 9 (nine), T (ten), J (jack), Q (queen), K (king), and A (ace). The starting player rolls all five dice and gets two additional rolls, revealing the dice the player wants to keep, before passing the dice to a player and claiming the poker hand made by the dice. Increasing claims are ordered using standard poker convention, however, higher claims need only be more specific than the previous. Thus, "a pair and a nine" is a higher claim than "a pair" since more dice are specified.

The player receiving the dice has the option of accepting the claim or challenging it. When the challenger reveals the dice, and the revealed hand is same as or better than the claim, then the challenger loses a point and the passer gains a point. Otherwise, the reverse occurs. In either case, the loser gets the dice and starts another round.

Accepting the claim, the player may attempt to roll some or all of the dice in an attempt to get a higher hand than the previous claim. The player gets two attempts to so this. If all five dice are rolled, then the player gets two additional attempts for a total of three rolls. Of course, the player may peek at the hidden dice when he receives them in order to check if he should roll or not. Sometimes, if a player feels cocky, the dice may be passed without peeking, but a higher claim must be stated. This may be compounding a lie, but we're all pathelogical liars, aren't we?

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Last Modified: April 12, 1995